Food for thought: The Power of Food

Food for thought: The Power of Food

As the pandemic unfolded, the mental health epidemic slowly began to reveal itself. Typically mental health – particularly the darker side of it remains shrouded in taboo and silence. Most people who struggle with it do so in secrecy, never revealing the extent to...
Life By Design Not Default

Life By Design Not Default

One of the reasons I have been reluctant to write about nutrition has to do with what I suspect is at the root of why many of us play small and tiptoe around what we know best – shame.  Shame prevented nutrition improvement I was ashamed of my history of...
Seven Ways To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve

Seven Ways To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve

The gut is not only the key to health but the key to happiness as well! It plays a role in stress modulation by transmitting signals to and from the brain via neurotransmitters, along the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the biggest nerve in the body, extending all the...